Study First - Learn Then Earn Myth

Study First – Learn Then Earn Myth

posted in: Online Business | 0

Do you think you have to study to be a doctor?

I’m sure you are saying that I am crazy to ask this question!!!



Why do you think I am asking like this stupid question?

before I told you why?

I would like to ask you another question,

If you are in the first year of medical college,

Can you just go to the hospital and start treating people?

I know, you are saying another stupid question,

but actually, they’re not,


because if you find it as natural my questions are stupid, then why you are doing it, you maybe not studying medical, but you still doing it.

when you think that you are able to build and earn without learn, then you are doing it, most new internet marketers, just starting today, and they think that they can earn by tomorrow, and all that without learning anything about what they’re going to build or to market,

they have no idea about what they’re doing, and they still want to success, they’re doing everything in the wrong way and they still want to success.

Is that familiar for you?

if yes,

then you know now why I asked these important “not stupid” questions,

normally when you plan to be a doctor “for example”, you go to the collage, and you spend several years of your life there to be able to start working as a doctor, but “for sure” you don’t start treating people till you finished several years learning about medical, and get the minimum education to be able to do that,

even if you didn’t finish all the collage years, but at least you have the minimum experience to allow you to treat people well, and you have already passed several exams with high educated doctors, and you have practice it also,

but when anyone think about the online marketing, they just heard about it yesterday, and they just started today, and they want to success by tomorrow,

if you are convinced that you have to spend several years to study medical, engineering, or accountant, etc…

why do you think that you could success in the online business, even without studying it at least for three or six months, or whatever it takes to learn at least the basics to build your business correctly.

when you think about internet marketing or business, you have to know that it’s knowledge based also, and it has several things to know, in order to success doing it,

and all that could take time from you to learn it by yourself, and it could cost you lots of money and effort doing it, without any positive results,

so just be aware, if you would like to success in the online business, you have to search for the good source to take your information from, and to have the correct education to be able to start correctly, and achieve your goal,

it’s exactly the same when you are searching for collage to learn the medical “as our previous example”, you try your best to get into the best collage possible, to have the best education that could help you to star your life career correctly, whether by working in somebody’s clinic, hospital, or by opening your own one,



  • Don’t expect to earn without learn, “ study first “.
  • Get your knowledge from the best, to be above of the rest.
  • Try your best to search for the honest mentor who is really welling to help you.
  • If you feel that you still not having the enough knowledge, don’t rush yourself.
  • Once you get the basics, you can start and get more knowledge at the same time.

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